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Cardinal O'Connor's response to Clinton admin abortion mandate: | "Jail me!" |
In a recent Sunday column in Catholic New World, Cardinal Francis George wrote that only three options will exist for Catholic institutions to avoid shutting down under the Obama administration’s HHS mandate: 1) secularize itself, breaking its connection to the church, her moral and social teachings and the oversight of its ministry by the local bishop, 2) pay exorbitant annual fees to avoid paying for birth control-inclusive insurance policies or 3) “sell the institution to a non-Catholic group or to a local government.”
“The state is making itself into a church,” the Cardinal wrote. (March 6th 2012 Huff Post Chicago, The internet Newspaper: News blogs video Community)
Speaking at the STAND UP FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RALLY in Goshen, NY on March 23, 2012, Tim Chichester, founder of the Catholic Family Association of America, pointed out that a fourth option, the most important and appropriate one, has not been mentioned.
And he had a dire warning for the USCCB.
In his talk, Chichester laid out the real threat to our Catholic institutions in stark terms:
"The strategy behind the abortion / sterilization mandate is to make those institutions indistinguishable from their secular counterparts while loosening the grip of the Constitution. But, you say, what of the threats to close down the hospitals and other vital services? After all, Catholic hospitals make up 13 percent of hospitals and 16 percent of all admissions in the U.S. - won't closure work?
The answer is a strong maybe not. It worked for Cardinal O'Connor in 1994, why not now? The answer is simple. We are dealing with a president who acts like a hard core Marxist ideologue, one for whom lying and deceit are resume enhancers. This is a man who has been recorded advocating for infanticide. A man whose advisers hold that the state owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions.
He and his fellow travelers lied through their teeth to the Bart Stupaks as well as to the American public. What makes him trustworthy now? ... "
"...Let's walk through a possible scenario. Obama strings along the phony negotiations through the election cycle, the purpose being to provide the delusion of possible compromise for those too weak-minded to accept the reality of what he is. He wins the election. The phony 'negotiations' fail. The bishops fall back to the worst case scenario of “I will go to jail and shut down the hospitals” Obama calls their bluff. A slew of hospitals and many of the 400 other health centers and 1,500 specialized homes that the Catholic Church operates, start to close.
The crisis grows, the wailing begins, and, in a few weeks, Obama steps into the breach with previously prepared eminent domain filings, based upon the infamous Kelo decision, and transfers the assets representing over 200 years of Christian ministry to various private and commercial, as well as federal state and local political entities.
To Obama and all Marxists this is right and just. Let me illustrate why. In 1965 a thirty something year old woman in Odessa, in the USSR, gave help to a WW II widow who was all but starving on her miniscule war widows pension. The young lady was reported and brought to the militia station, the local police, and warned not to help the old woman. She protested. They said “We don't care – just don't help her.” A short time later she was hauled into the station house and warned again. The third time she was arrested and charged with a felony crime – slander against the state – and sentenced to 18 months of what was euphemistically called “strict regime”, the hardest of the hard labor camps.
The connection I am making here is two-fold. One is that most people have never understood the reasoning behind the Obama's effort to do away with tax deductions for charitable giving. The ideological component is the same as that used against the woman. The State is the father of us all – how dare you presume so much. The tax change is part of a web of rules and actions designed to make religious charity impossible, and thereby weaken the only real ideological opposition to Marxism.
The other connection is the recognition of the rabid anti-religious nature of these people. Simply put, you cannot negotiate with them because they simply cannot be trusted. Again, keep the name Stupak in your head...."And then, Chichester revealed the only possible response of the leaders of the Church Militant in the face of this unconstitutional attack on our consciences and religious freedoms:
"DefianceThe following is the text of Chichester's entire presentation.You can also view his presentation on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9pktpXKB-U
How can we act to make the most of this situation. A glance at the city of Nowa Huta, Poland provides insight. Nowa Huta was described by Brian Whitmore of THE BOSTON GLOBE, as the place “...where George Orwell's dark vision of a perfect industrial metropolis was executed with stunning precision. Until, that is, the workers rose up and overthrew Big Brother"
In this grimy steel town the workers wanted a church. The communists said no. The Archbishop of Kraków, Karol Wojtyla, persisted and defiantly held Mass on the site for years. Workers replaced every cross removed or destroyed by the State. Eventually the State caved.
What is needed now is for our bishops and other religious administrators to publicly defy the mandate and keep the institutions open without compliance. We must not give these Marxists the opportunity to seize the assets of religious and charitable institutions.
Our duty, yours and mine, is to assist them, to encourage them by letters and prayers. But our duty extends far beyond this rally in effort and time. We must make ourselves loud enough to be heard. We must be vigorous and persistent in creating prayerful and lively sit-ins in our politicians offices. We need to wheedle , encourage, beg , plead - what-ever it takes - to get our bishops, rabbis, ministers and priests to get motivated to the point of action. We must help them understand that a single pastoral letter to the flock is worthless without the personal courage to lead from the front. We long ago passed from the diplomatic maneuverings of 1938 to the brutal fighting of Stalingrad.
What is needed is direct, forceful, definitive and ongoing actions by courageous and defiant religious and lay leaders.
We need to tell them we will be standing next to them, saying“I will go to jail with you!”And above all we must pray daily, unceasingly, for the conversion and confounding of those whose word and deed threaten us and our nation with such malice. We have a right and duty to pray for our deliverance from evil."
A. Chichester
23 March, 2012, Goshen, NY
Some 3400 years ago a man stood before a
king and said the most astonishing of things. He
said that the king's authority was limited by
God, not the mere will of the king. In Moses we
see that courageous defiance to illegitimate
authority that grows within the Jewish tradition.
Some1200 years later a man rode into
battle under shields and banners marked with the
Greek letters Chi and Rho, the monogram for
Christ. And with this came the long, painful
change in the way men saw each other. With the
freedom of religion granted by Constantine, the
idea that man derived his dignity from his
Creator, an idea carried to us from the bosom of
Abraham, is unleashed upon a brutal pagan world,
a world mired in the unjust economics of
Through the centuries
the hope of The Prince of Peace flowed over
the debauched Roman empire and raised a new
civilization, a civilization that saw, with
increasing clarity, that it was true, that the
dignity of each man was not granted by the State,
but was a boon, a boon bestowed without price, a
boon innate, a boon granted by an unspeakably
loving God. The slow progress of Christian
humanism,sometimes even glacial, often beset by
the selfish nature of fallen man, ran arrow
true, and resulted in the rise of what we
know to be, Christianity, currently called
Western Civilization, the most creative,
peaceful, prosperous and free civilization
That arrow passed
through the blood of many courageous men who
suffered and died to
shape a future that
ensured that the State reflect the God-given
dignity of man. That arrow passed through a room
236 years ago, through the hearts of men steeped
in Christian culture and humanism. Then
that arrow sped outward with it a flaming banner
emblazoned with words that reflect natural law
and the true, innate, dignity of man as bestowed
by Almighty God:
"We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable
...Rights guaranteed
by a miraculous political document that
began with the words
"We the
and closed with
the words
"...in the Year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and Eighty
It was a constitution
that former slave Fredrick Douglass described
as "a glorious liberty document." We
were blessed with a Declaration of Independence
that acknowledged the spiritual natur eand rights
of man and a Constitution to enshroud and enable
them. Not unlike the melding of a body and
Following the initial
signing of the US Constitution, France 's
Declaration of the Rights of
Man and of Citizens,
emerged with generalities enabling
an atheistic view quite opposed to Christian
culture. In what I believe to
be the most calamitous moment in the history
of man, a nation declared that God did not exist.
The pagans got it right. Even the murderous
Aztec's, demonic in their human
sacrifice,understood the reality of a
transcendent deity. No one
had ever thought so small as these enlightened
ones who were the proto-marxists.
France descended into a bloodbath
that preshadowed the atheistic socialist regimes
to come. The war on religion itself had become
Within two generations the spiritual
sewerage spawned from that atheistic ideology was
recognizable enough as such a profound danger
to civilization that the Vatican condemned
Communism by name in 1846,two years before Karl
Marx and Friedric Engles were commissioned by the
German Communist League to write The Communist
In1891, twenty-seven
years before the Bolshevik revolution, the
war between the Church and the socialists for the
heart of the workingman resulted in the detailed
analysis and condemnation of socialism in the
encyclical on capital and labor titled Rerum
Novarum (which means New Things). In 1917 the
war again turned bloody. Lenin asked who would
be the communists Saint-Just, referring to the
Frenchman behind the Reign of Terror, and found
him in Felix Dzerzhinsky, and the Terror
The history of the20th century is that of torrents of blood shed by the various stripes of Marxists, shed always with the harmonics of miasmic rage about man and his opiate, his religion.
The Present
I have sketched the history that has led us to this time. To a time when a self-avowed Marxist with a sworn animosity toward our Constitution, has become so emboldened as to dismiss the First Amendment and crush the Orthodox Jews and Christians who now are almost the only ones left who understand the peril, and have the spiritual resources to resist. The British, those sorry lab rats for a new world order, having voluntarily reached a level of pragmatic atheism exceeding that of the old Soviet Union, no longer have the power to resist the totalitarian State now descending upon them.Others have talked and will talk about the Health Care Mandate and the need to overturnit. I am now going to talk to you about the duty we have to actively resist.
Since Marxist Socialist ideology holds that "Truth is what serves the State today," and that man is simply an economic unit, any behavior was,and is justified. This is a very, very, important distinction between Judeo-Christian morality and that of the Marxist Socialist.
It goes to the heart of why so many Jews and Christians alike have been seduced wholesale away from the foundations that held them fast for centuries. It goes to the heart of why the Catholic bishops,charged with transmitting the Deposit of Faith from generation to generation, were 'surprised' by a White House lecture on how they needed to listen to the enlightened ones, the pragmatic Catholic apostates like Pelosi and Durbin, who are so willing to serve our pragmatic atheist and Marxist, Barak Hussein Obama.
The issue is much greater than the apparent First Amendment abuse. It is about making irrelevant those Christian institutions that constitute the main line of resistance to Marxist dominance over the US political sphere.
The strategy behind the abortion / sterilization mandate is to make those institutions indistinguishable from their secular counterparts while loosening the grip of the Constitution. But, you say, what of the threats to close down the hospitals and other vital services? After all, Catholic hospitals make up 13 percent of hospitals and 16 percent of all admissions in the U.S. - won't closure work?
The answer is a strong maybe not. It worked for Cardinal O'Connor in 1994,why not now? The answer is simple. We are dealing with a president who acts like a hard core Marxist ideologue, one for whom lying and deceit are resume enhancers. This is a man who has been recorded advocating for infanticide. A man whose advisers hold that the state owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions.
He and his fellow travelers lied through
their teeth to the Bart Stupaks as well as to the
American public. What makes him trustworthy now?
To Obama and all Marxists this is right and just. Let me illustrate why. In 1965 a thirty something year old woman in Odessa, in the USSR, gave help t oa WW II widow who was all but starving on her miniscule war widows pension. The young lady was reported and brought to the militia station, the local police, and warned not to help the old woman. Sheprotested. They said "We don't care . Just don't help her." A short time later she was hauled into the station house and warned again. The third time she was arrested and charged with a felony crime "slander against the state" and sentenced to 18 months of what was euphemistically called "strict regime," the hardest of the hard labor camps.
The connection I am making here is two-fold. One is that most people have never understood the reasoning behind the Obama's effort to do away with tax deductions for charitable giving. The ideological component is the same as that used against the woman.
The State is the father of us all - how dare you presume so much. The tax change is part of a web of rules and actions designed to make religious charity impossible, and thereby weaken the only real ideological opposition to Marxism.
The other connection is the recognition of the rabid anti-religious nature of these people. Simply put, you cannot negotiate with them because they simply cannot be trusted. Again, keep the name Stupak in your head.
How can we act to
make the most of this situation. A glance at the
city of Nowa Huta, Poland provides insight.
Nowa Huta was described
by Brian Whitmore of THE BOSTON GLOBE, as the
place "...where George Orwell's dark
vision of a perfect industrial metropolis
was executed with stunning precision. Until, that
is, the workers rose up and overthrew Big
In this grimy steel
town the workers wanted a church. The
communists said no. The Archbishop of
Krakow, Karol Wojtyla, persisted and defiantly
held Mass on the site for years. Workers
replaced every cross removed or destroyed by
the State. Eventually the State caved.
What is
needed now is for our bishops and other religious
administrators to publicly defy the mandate
and keep the institutions open without
compliance. We must not give these Marxists the
opportunity to seize the assets of religious and
Our duty,
yours and mine, is to assist them, to encourage
them by letters and prayers. But our duty
extends far beyond this rally in effort and time.
We must make ourselves loud enough to be heard.
We must be vigorous and persistent in creating
prayerful and lively sit-ins in our politicians
offices. We need to wheedle , encourage, beg
,plead - what-ever it takes- to get our
bishops, rabbis, ministers and priests to get
motivated to the point of action. We must help
them understand that a single pastoral letter to
the flock is worthless without the
personal courage to lead from the front.
We long ago passed
from the diplomatic maneuverings of 1938 to
the brutal fighting of Stalingrad.
What is needed is
direct, forceful, definitive and ongoing actions
by courageous and
defiant religious and lay
We need
to tell them we will be standing next to them,
saying "I will go to jail with
And above all we must pray daily,
unceasingly, for the conversion and confounding
of those whose word and deed threaten us and our
nation with such malice.
We have a right and duty to pray for our
deliverance from
Introductory Remarks by STANDUP FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RALLY Coordinator
March,23, 2012, Goshen, NY
Tim is an entrepreneur whose
background in Fortune 500 engineering,planning,
financial analysis, , and econometric modeling
led to the successful launch a company providing
Computer Assisted Design and Engineering systems.
He is now retired from the family
owned business.
Well versed in economics and
history, Tim has used this broad life experience
in the Culture Wars to advance Christian morality
in the public square through conservative
activism. In 2001 he started the Catholic Family Association
of America
in order to fight in
the anti-Christian bigotry in the public arena.
As president of CFAA and a religious leader, he
is a proud signer of the Manhattan Declaration: A Call
of Christian Conscience as well as the Mount
Vernon Statement.Tim has always been guided by a love of
what has been bequeathed to us, by the Grace of
God, through our Founding Fathers. This led
him to belatedly enter the US Senate race against
Gillibrand in the spring of 2010.
Tim will be addressing
what the duty of all freemen is in the face
of religious
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